Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just a couple days have passed ...

Today is Tuesday, and I am now on day four of being cancer free.. What a feeling! My blood work was done yesterday and that was still good and normal, and I have maintained my weight which is also very good. I have slowly started getting back into my walking routine, which has been good for me both physically and mentally.
Kevin and I are incredible... Though we haven't seen each other realizations have slowly been made.... The main thing is that we both know that this is just another week, a week of growing individually which makes us better as a team... That our love is truly unconditional, and when many may think time away, or even cutting the phone calls and half is a bad thing, well- we have come together so much as one.....
My love for him which I didn't know was possible has grown over the past few days...We have the missing you pain for each other...You know the feeling when you haven't seen someone you love and you miss them so bad it hurts... That's what we have....It's the good pain, heart throb, I love you, I want to be you forever kinda pain..
The highlight of my day today was receiving a card in the mail from Kevin's sister who I have yet to meet..But I have heard so much about. As I was opening the card, I was expecting it to be a get well, or hope your feeling better kind of card.. Which it was, but more importantly she wrote how thankful she is Kevin met me - a great person. She also said how she is so happy to see Kevin as happy as he is, and she finally sees the brother she knows and loves so much.. (crying) I was so touched, she went out of her way to send me a card, but to write such heart warming genuine feelings was so sweet, especially because she hasn't met me yet. It also gave me a realization of how lucky I am to have such an amazing man in my life who has an incredible family which I consider myself a part of. This card was also is a wink down from God that he sees; just as everybody sees how we are soul mates.. The best friends..And just full of love and happiness. I know we don't need peoples approval to be with each other, but I respect and love his family whom I have met so far and even the ones I haven't met and have heard so much about, where it does matter to me what they think and feel about Kevin and I.. I am happy that they love me, and love Kevin and I together.. We have full love and support from both sides of the family which is so great!
And I truly love Kevin unconditionally just for being him, that is all I ever want and expect from him...
We could be living in a shoe box with nothing and it would not matter, we would have each other.. ..Well as long as our shoe box has a garage for our Harley we will be all set..

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